Present education system endeavour for the all-round and holistic development of future generation. Human development is a process which starts from the conception of the child, continue until the end of life. According to a lifespan perspective, it is a lifelong multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, historical embedded contextual, multidisciplinary process (Paul Baltes 1987). Development of the individual (child) is threatened by many factors including socioeconomic, biological, environmental influence and occurrence of non-normative life events (an unusual occurrence) such as the death of the parents when a child is young, major accidents, severe illness. Nonnormative development also includes positive occurrences such as winning a lottery or unique career opportunity etc.
School a very crucial institution in child life, subsequent to home play very decisive role in the development of the child where child experience the miniature of the world, learn the basic skills such as reading writing, communication, problem-solving, logical reasoning, scientific viewpoint and so on. In school child interaction with teachers, peer group all have to affect all aspect of child personality.
The complexity of modern life had given birth to new challenges that generate hazard in the holistic development of the child. The result is the student of different age groups are facing many adjustmental, developmental, mental-health problem due to stress, anxiety caused by the enigma of new age demands. Students are not alien to these problems we can categorize these problems in the following way:
Developmental disorder: Disorder which appears to result from a blockage or Impairment in the developmental process e.g., visual impairment, Hearing impairment ortho-medical problem, Enduring, sickness, injuries and accidents.
Disorder of emotional distress; A set of disorder in which child internalize the threat object in other world conflict is turned inward and the child himself herself is the major victim e.g. School Phobia, Avoidant Disorder stress
Anxiety disorder (separation anxiety, overanxious disorder)
Habit Disorder; It involves the disruption of eating sleeping. they often occur in the context of other disorder e.g. eating disorder involve: obesity, Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia
Elimination disorder; Enuresis, Encopresis
Sleep disorder; somnambulism, insomnia
Learning Disability; Learning disability is a problem involving difficulties, in central processing dysfunction with a disorder or in or inefficiencies in the reception, analysis synthesis and symbolic use of information e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia,
Communication disorders; It involve any kind of complexity in the development of communication abilities of child Delayed speech, stuttering
Mental Retardation: Mental retardation refers to significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with a deficit in adaptive Behaviour and manifested during the developmental period, it may be mild, moderate, severe or profound.(AAMAR)
Disruptive Behaviour Disorder:
I. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD
II. Solitary aggressive type
III. Group aggressive type
IV. Antisocial behaviour
All these play a significant role in the academic and holistic development of the child. Guidance and counselling services are aimed to help the students to overcome from difficulties and develop his / her coping skill so that negative impact can be minimized and positive force can be maximized Guidance and counselling approach is three dimensional it work at ;
v Remedial level
v Diagnostic level
v Preventive level
For making the school experience pleasurable and sensitive towards the individualistic need of our children we need a structure and services, those work for the development, nurturance other asp act of personality and human need apart from academic in nature. All guidance work for the development of self-realization, direction, acceptance and solution for the issues of holistic development, guidance and counselling also provide strong assistance in the academic achievement of a child by providing assistance in child adjustment.